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The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Programs in Seattle

Domestic violence is an intentional pattern of abusive tactics (emotional, psychological, verbal, financial, physical, and sexual) used to establish and maintain power and control in intimate relationships. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Odds are that someone you know well is surviving domestic violence right now. The Salvation Army in Seattle has specialized programs to help.

Tech safety: If you think your activities are being monitored, they probably are. You don’t need to have special skills to monitor someone’s phone, computer and Internet activities. Anyone can do it and there are many ways to monitor technology with programs like Spyware, keystroke loggers, and hacking tools.


It might be safer to use a computer in a public library, at a trusted friend’s house, or an Internet Cafe. To learn about tech safety in the context of relationship abuse, visit


The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Programs in Seattle provide assistance to all gender individuals and families surviving domestic violence. Our services are unified under a single mission: To address domestic violence through programs that promote safety, healing, and empowerment, with the autonomy of each person as a core value. Our goal is to be respectful and culturally sensitive to all people, so they feel welcome and hopeful for a life free from abuse.

Our Domestic violence (DV) Programs serve all persons without discrimination. The majority of those we serve are persons of color and from communities historically oppressed due to race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender expression, disability, immigration status and other factors. We are GBLTQIA friendly and language interpretation is provided. We do not inquire into immigration status. Our staff are trained to deliver culturally appropriate services to the diverse communities living in Seattle–King County.



The Salvation Army DV Community Advocacy Program (CAP) has operated near downtown Seattle for over 20 years. Open Monday through Friday 8.00 am to 4.30 pm; it offers confidential services to all-gender adult survivors such as safety planning, help with basic needs, financial assistance, information and referral to community resources, domestic violence education, and legal advocacy.

CAP also has programs to assist all-gender survivors with placement and stability in rental housing and can provide financial assistance for rent, move-in costs, and other necessities (Eligibility criteria apply to depend on the funding source). We also offer legal advocacy to assist survivors in navigating the legal system. Our legal advocate can provide legal information, referrals to legal resources, help with paperwork completion, and court accompaniment (subject to demand). A legal advocate is not an attorney however and cannot provide legal representation in court or give legal advice.

CAP is designed to meet survivors' needs at any stage in the abusive relationship. Individuals who are currently involved in an abusive situation can work with our advocates to increase safety while in the relationship, or, if he/she/they decide to leave, on a plan to get resources and minimize the danger while leaving and in the aftermath. We also help those who have recently exited an abusive relationship to maintain safety and stability.

As the Salvation Army is a multi-service agency, CAP can also refer you to our agency’s other local programs such as our food bank, 24/7 communal shelters, overnight shelters, transitional housing programs, and Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program. Families can be referred to our Winter Holiday Children’s Toys Program, and to our DV Transitional Housing Program (Eligibility criteria apply).

To be screened for eligibility for any of CAP’s programs please call (206) 447-9947 during business hours Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4.30 pm.




The Salvation Army’s other DV program in Seattle (at a confidential location) is named Hickman House. It is a fully furnished, ten-unit apartment complex offering transitional housing to all-gender adult survivors with children. Supportive services are provided on-site Monday through Friday with an after-hours number for emergencies. Hickman House’s stay length ranges from one to six months with the focus being on a fast transition to safe, permanent housing. Eligibility criteria apply, and households must pay 30% of their adjusted income per month as rent, although income is not an eligibility requirement)

Hickman House accommodates high-needs survivor families with significant rental and other barriers to stability. Referrals/applications come only via the county-wide coordinated DV assessment and referral system, meaning that applicants cannot “self-refer” but instead need a referral from an emergency shelter, another domestic violence program, or the King County 211/coordinated entry system. We do not have a waitlist: instead, referring agencies are notified whenever we have an opening and are invited to submit applications of eligible families seeking short-term transitional housing at that time.

If you are a service provider inquiring about being added to the referral list, please call 206-932-5341.


For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, call 911

For the Seattle-King County 24/7 DV Hotline, call 1 877-737-0242 or go to   The hotline can also give you information on the availability of DV confidential shelter space.

For Sexual Assault Support, call the  24/7 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center Hotline: 1-888-998-6423 |

Local Resource for GBLTQIA survivors:

The Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse: (206) 568-7777 |

For limited English proficient survivors:

The multi-lingual Seattle Peace-in-the-Home 24/7 Helpline: 1-888-847-7205

For other local and culturally specific organizations serving abuse survivors:

To access a list of local resources like shelter, food, clothing, transport etc., call 211 or visit

Washington State: To access a list of statewide resources, visit


National Resources

The National Domestic Violence 24/7 Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

The National Sexual Assault 24/7 Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

Teen Dating Violence 24/7 Hotline: 1- 866-331-9474 call, chat, or text

The StrongHearts Native Helpline 1- 844-762-8483

The 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline Deaf Services:

1(855) 812-1001 (VP) (Email)

DeafHotline (AIM)

Stalking Resource Center:

National Network to End DV

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

For male survivors of sexual abuse or assault

For Trans and non-binary survivors, FORGE is a national transgender anti-violence organization

GBLTQIA communities: For other organizations focused on abuse within GBLTQIA communities, visit

For survivors struggling with substance addiction:

For information and links to other state, regional, national, or culturally specific organizations serving survivors, visit: